Remembering Teddy Tucker – The Voice of the Sargasso Sea @NatGeo

June 17, 2014 | Author: David Doubilet

“One evening last July, we went to sea with Teddy Tucker. Teddy’s wife, Edna, and Ginger the cat wished us well from the porch of their stout and steady old Bermuda home on Kings Point in Sandys Parish. Teddy’s boat pulled away from his cement wharf, laden with HMI movie lights, diving gear, and cameras. We were on a National Geographic assignment for a story on the Sargasso Sea. Teddy Tucker, 88, was at the helm, right where he should be, leading the way to Challenger Banks for a long night of diving to explore what would rise from the depths to welcome us.

The last rays bathed Teddy in a golden light as he guided the Sea Foam away from Bermuda through mirror-still waters. He told us stories about long nights at anchor on Challenger Banks and the strange and wonderful encounters he had there. Everyone on our team was truly exc ited and honored to share this moment in place and time with a living legend.”

Read full article Remembering Teddy Tucker, the Voice of the Sargasso Sea – PROOF

(Photo: Teddy Tucker, July 2013  by Jennifer Hayes)

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